Prevention communities in M&S “HumanizeICT” arose from the need to find a renewed meaning to our existence.

Life today is full of such high levels of uncertainty and fear of the future that accelerated change in so many areas has generated risks, problems, and conflicts- thus we must do something to get society back on track.

We all face the challenges of improving working conditions, bettering quality of life indices, and humanizing the planet once again, as our society is fracturing and deteriorating daily.

As long as there is social commitment and shared responsibility, solidarity, respect – only then an equal opportunity will become a reality for everyone.

María Beatriz Castilla – Technology Education Specialist.

The concept of “KNOWLEDGE COMMUNITY” of the M&S HG®, makes it possible for stakeholders to benefit from learning as an organization, from others and with others.

Our goal is to build in this project, a visible culture based on sharing knowledge, experiences, lessons and best practices, which help to strengthen our capacities and positively impact our clients, suppliers, families and work teams.

Participate in HumanizeICT, a “COMMUNITY OF KNOWLEDGE”, where innovation and knowing how to transform, leverage our vision of Strategy and continuous improvement, seeking well-being to all those who participate in this initiative. “

Linked to the situation of COVID 19, we place special emphasis in this stage, on best practices and building habits to support remote work, promote telework and prevent risks that translate into 21st century diseases, which impact the basis of social development, economic and personal.

   All rights reserved | M&S HG ® 2022


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